Ron was kind enough to answer a few questions for me recently via email.
Me: Where did the concept for your original adventure game, Maniac Mansion, come from? Were you always interested in adventure games or were action/arcade genres discussed by Garry Winnick, yourself and Lucasarts?

Most of your games, classic and current, have a strong component of humor. Where do you think this stems from?
The humor in my games come from games being kind of ridiculous in the first place, so it's better to just have fun and not take yourself to seriously.
Of your classics, which are you most fond of?
Maniac Mansion. You never forget your first love.
What do you think of Telltales continuation of the Monkey Island series?
I think they did a good job. I'm glad Dave Grossman was there to watch after the project and make sure it was good.
You're somewhat of a legend of early adventure gaming among the classic gaming community. How do you feel about that?
It's a little mind boggling, but it's fun to have so many people love something you made.
Where did the concept for Deathspank come from? Is he a character you think you'll revisit after the first two games?
DeathSpank started out as a comic on my website that Clayton and I made (http://grumpygamer.com/comics). He was this over the top video game character and he was so fun to write for that we decided that he needed his own game.
You described Deathspank as "Monkey Island meets Diablo". Are there any other genres you'd like to bring your trademark humor to?
FPS really need to be funnied up!
I do, everything Sat and Sun, and I play WoW.
Unlimited budget. Expert development team. Total creative control. What dream game would you make?
Monkey Island 3a. The true 3rd game.
That developers were correctly compensated for the work they do, rather than asshole CEOs.
You probably have no favourites, but if you Guybrush Threepwood and Deathspank were marooned at sea, who would get eaten first?
Guybrush. No question. DeathSpank wouldn't even ask.
Thanks so much for you time Ron.
Thanks so much for you time Ron.
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